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  !File: - Reference to Another File

    Use the !file: command when you wish to create a short entry that points
    to another list of short entries. The !file: command can also be used
    to access a file with a single long entry.

         !file: filename.ngo                                            

    The !file: commands allows you to point to another file. This
    file can contain a list of short entries or a single long entry.
    The following examples demonstrate how the !file: command is imple-

    An example of accessing a list of short entries:

         !short: Top Ten Hits from 1960 - 1989.                         
         !file: top_ten.eho                                             

    An example of accessing a single long entry.

         !short: Line Drawing Chart                                     
         !file: line_drw.eho                                            

         You must specify the compiled object file, which will have the
         .EHO extension. The !file: command, like all other bang commands,
         must be typed starting in column 1.


See Also: An Overview of Database Design. System Requirements. Hypertext Databases (specs) Expert Help Engine Character Attributes Comments !Credits: Data Text Files. Long Entries Related Topics: !Short: The Menu Link Control File. !Name: The Search Engine (EH.EXE) The Database Composer !Menu:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson